36 % of foreign visitors to Korea rise 8p in 10 years under the age of 30 (March 11) | Yonhap News


36 % of foreign visitors to Korea rise 8p in 10 years under the age of 30 (March 11) | Yonhap News

訪韓外国人の36%が30歳以下 10年で8P上昇(3月11日) | 聯合ニュース
K-POPなど韓流人気で≫ 韓国を訪れる外国人観光客のうち、若者の占め る割合が拡大していることが11日までに分かった。韓国観光公社の観光データ…

36 % of foreign visitors to Korea rise 8p in 10 years under the age of 30 (March 11) | Yonhap News
It was found by the 11th that the proportion of young people is increasing among foreign tourists visiting Korea due to the popularity of K -POPs. Korean Tourism Corporation Tourist Data & NBSP; …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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