Approximately 10,000 people visited last year! “Second edition” where Navy/MSDF curry and Maizuru’s local curry gather…


[Kyoto] Approximately 10,000 people visited last year! “Second edition” where Navy/MSDF curry and Maizuru’s local curry gather…

【京都】昨年は約1万人が来場!海軍・海自カレーや舞鶴のご当地カ レーが大集合する「第二回 …
京都府舞鶴市のランドマークであり日本遺産にも認定された「舞鶴赤れんが パーク」は、海軍ゆかりの歴史的建造物の赤れんが倉庫が建ち並ぶエリアです。

[Kyoto] Approximately 10,000 people visited last year! “Second edition” where Navy/MSDF curry and Maizuru’s local curry gather…
Maizuru Red Brick Park, a landmark of Maizuru City, Kyoto Prefecture, and a Japanese heritage site, is an area lined with red brick warehouses, historical buildings connected to the navy.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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