Tragedy of war: Turn around and look at the atomic bombing area – Propose the “Kaiten” route Mr. Shiiki, a first year high school student from Shunan, won 2nd place in the contest


Tragedy of war: Turn around and look at the atomic bombing area – Propose the “Kaiten” route Mr. Shiiki, a first year high school student from Shunan, won 2nd place in the contest

戦争の悲劇 回って見て 被爆地・「回天」ルート提案 周南の高1椎木 さん コンテスト2位
広島市中区の原爆ドーム周辺で外国人観光客に意識調査もし、被爆地と大津 島で平和の尊さに触れてもらう周遊ルートづくりを提案した。 コンテストには29 6…

Tragedy of war: Turn around and look at the atomic bombing area – Propose the “Kaiten” route Mr. Shiiki, a first year high school student from Shunan, won 2nd place in the contest
We also surveyed foreign tourists around the Atomic Bomb Dome in Naka Ward, Hiroshima City, and proposed the creation of a tour route that would allow them to experience the preciousness of peace in the atomic bombed area and Otsushima. 296 … for the contest.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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