Takako Hinata (Sakai) who can sing is not something to be taken for granted 15 years after her debut, she will perform in Fukui on the 20th of next month…


Takako Hinata (Sakai) who can sing is not something to be taken for granted 15 years after her debut, she will perform in Fukui on the 20th of next month…

歌える、当たり前ではない ヒナタカコさん(坂井)デビュー15年 来 月20日福井で公演 …
デビュー15周年の記念コンサートを4月20日に福井市の県立音楽堂で開く。コロ ナ禍で歌い… 記事はD刊プランの方がお読みいただけます. D刊は初回のみ…

Takako Hinata (Sakai) who can sing is not something to be taken for granted 15 years after her debut, she will perform in Fukui on the 20th of next month…
A concert commemorating the 15th anniversary of their debut will be held on April 20th at the Prefectural Music Hall in Fukui City. Singing during the coronavirus pandemic… The article can be read by D issue plan. D issue is only available for the first time …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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