Danger photography & littering one after another! A series of annoyance acts in popular tourist destinations -nippon.com


Danger photography & littering one after another! A series of annoyance acts in popular tourist destinations -nippon.com

危険撮影 & ポイ捨てが続出!人気観光地で相次ぐ迷惑行為 – nippon.com
1月10日から再び実施が決まった、全国旅行支援。各地の観光地では活気が戻 りつつありますが、一方で、一部では迷惑行為が横行していました。

Danger photography & littering one after another! A series of annoyance acts in popular tourist destinations -nippon.com
Nationwide travel support, which was decided again from January 10. The vibrancy is returning in sightseeing areas in various places, but on the other hand, it was rampant.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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