Experience at elementary school in Nantan, Kyoto, Kyoto, with black soybeans grown by yourself


Experience at elementary school in Nantan, Kyoto, Kyoto, with black soybeans grown by yourself

自分で育てた黒大豆でみそ仕込み 京都・南丹の小学校で体験
京都府南丹市日吉町の殿田小の3年生10人が、校内の畑で収穫した地元名産の 黒 … 「私のタクシーに乗ると太りますよ」 京都観光客に人気、運転手の 手帳の…

Experience at elementary school in Nantan, Kyoto, Kyoto, with black soybeans grown by yourself
Ten graders in Tonoda, a third -year student in Hiyoshi -cho, Kyoto -shi, Kyoto, harvested in the fields in the school … “I will get fat when I take my taxi” Kyoto sightseeing Popular with customers, the driver’s notebook & nbsp; …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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