Nippon Steel Kowa Real Estate, residential hotel “&Here” opens in Ueno, Tokyo on March 15th, inbound reservations already…


Nippon Steel Kowa Real Estate, residential hotel “&Here” opens in Ueno, Tokyo on March 15th, inbound reservations already…

日鉄興和不動産、レジデンシャルホテル「&Here」東京・上野に3/15開 業 すでにインバウンド予約 …
また「街の案内所」としての役割を掲げ、周辺の豊富な観光スポットをホテ ルスタッフが積極的に案内していくとしています。 また、一度利用された植栽を再 利用…

Nippon Steel Kowa Real Estate, residential hotel “&Here” opens in Ueno, Tokyo on March 15th, inbound reservations already…
The hotel also aims to serve as a “city information center,” with hotel staff actively providing information on the many tourist spots in the area. In addition, we reuse plants that have been used once. …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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