Pianist Pollini dies at age 82 at home in Italy | National news O Nippo


Pianist Pollini dies at age 82 at home in Italy | National news – To-O Nippo

ピアニストのポリーニさん死去 82歳、イタリアの自宅で|全国のニ ュース – 東奥日報
… 世界中の主要なコンサートホールで公演した。74年に初来日して以 降、たびたび日本も訪れた。 演奏の正確さから「…

Pianist Pollini dies at age 82 at home in Italy | National news – To-O Nippo
… performed in major concert halls around the world. Since his first visit to Japan in 1974, he has visited Japan many times. Due to the accuracy of the performance…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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