Kochi Prefecture’s “Immersive Kochi Travel Campaign” Opening Declaration | Press Release | Okinawa Times + Plus


Kochi Prefecture’s “Immersive Kochi Travel Campaign” Opening Declaration | Press Release | Okinawa Times + Plus

高知県『どっぷり高知旅キャンペーン』開幕宣言 | プレスリリース | 沖縄タイムス+プラス
連続テレビ小説「らんまん」ゆかりの地として注目度が高まったことに加え、台湾か らの定期チャーター便就航や大型客船の寄港数増加などインバウンド需要の好影 響…

Kochi Prefecture’s “Immersive Kochi Travel Campaign” Opening Declaration | Press Release | Okinawa Times + Plus
In addition to gaining attention as a place associated with the TV drama series “Ranman,” the positive impact of inbound demand includes the launch of scheduled charter flights from Taiwan and an increase in the number of large cruise ships calling at the port.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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