Japan’s oldest high-speed ski lift retires after 38 years at Hokkaido ski resort | Kyodo News | Okinawa Times + Plus


Japan’s oldest high-speed ski lift retires after 38 years at Hokkaido ski resort | Kyodo News | Okinawa Times + Plus

国内最古の高速リフト引退 38年、北海道のスキー場 | 共同通信 ニ ュース | 沖縄タイムス+プラス
1985年に登場し、バブル期のスキーブームやインバウンド(訪日客 … 在留 外国人最多341万人 23年末 県内16%増2. … 観光に特化 した自主財源の確保…

Japan’s oldest high-speed ski lift retires after 38 years at Hokkaido ski resort | Kyodo News | Okinawa Times + Plus
It first appeared in 1985, and the ski boom during the bubble period and the inbound (visitors) … Maximum number of Foreigners Number of residents: 3.41 million 16% increase in the prefecture at the end of 2023 2. … Tourism Securing independent financial resources specialized in b>…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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