The best time to see cherry blossoms at Keage Incline in Kyoto – YouTube


The best time to see cherry blossoms at Keage Incline in Kyoto – YouTube

京都・蹴上インクラインの桜が見ごろ – YouTube
京都観光スポットの傾斜鉄道跡「蹴上インクライン」の桜並木が見 頃を迎えた。天候に恵まれた6日は多くの観光客らが詰めかけ、道の両脇に 咲いた桜のアーチ…

The best time to see cherry blossoms at Keage Incline in Kyoto – YouTube
The cherry blossom trees along the Keage Incline, a sloped railway site that is a sightseeing spot in Kyoto, are at their peak. On the 6th, which was blessed with good weather, many tourists flocked to see the arches of cherry blossoms blooming on both sides of the road.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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