Nationwide travel support resumed! I’m curious … How does the auxiliary amount change? | Easy News -TV Osaka


Nationwide travel support resumed! I’m curious … How does the auxiliary amount change? | Easy News -TV Osaka

全国旅行支援再開!気になる…補助額はどう変わる? | やさしいニュー ス – テレビ大阪
観光の現場を取材しました。 三連休あけの京都。平日にも関わら ず、観光客の姿が見られました。去年11月に開業したばかりのホテルでは。

Nationwide travel support resumed! I’m curious … How does the auxiliary amount change? | Easy News -TV Osaka
I interviewed the sightseeing site. Kyoto after three consecutive holidays. Despite the weekdays, sightseeing customers were seen. At a hotel just opened last November.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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