Pray for safety while climbing Unzen; mountain opening ceremony held at hot spring shrine Nagasaki – Nagasaki Shimbun 2024/04/12 [12:30] Published


Pray for safety while climbing Unzen; mountain opening ceremony held at hot spring shrine Nagasaki – Nagasaki Shimbun 2024/04/12 [12:30] Published

雲仙登山の安全祈る 温泉神社で山開き式 長崎 – 長崎新聞 2024/04/12 [12:30] 公開
参加者は入山者の無事を祈って黙とうをした後、玉串をささげた。本多会長は「新型 コロナウイルス禍も収まり、外国人や家族連れの観光客が増えてい る。今年は国立…

Pray for safety while climbing Unzen; mountain opening ceremony held at hot spring shrine Nagasaki – Nagasaki Shimbun 2024/04/12 [12:30] Published
After praying for the safety of the climbers and praying in silence, the participants offered tamagushi. Chairman Honda said, “Now that the coronavirus pandemic has subsided, the number of foreigners and tourists with their families is increasing.This year, the national…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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