Scattered cherry blossom petals decorate the river with “Flower Rafts” Enjoyable on a pleasure boat…Gojo River in Oguchi, Aichi – YouTube
散った桜の花びらが川を彩る「花筏」 遊覧船でめでる…愛知・大口の五 条川 – YouTube
京都・桜の名所で春爛漫…外国人観光客ら殺到で大混雑 東寺の夜桜に長蛇の 列400m以上【羽鳥慎一モーニングショー】(2024年4月9日). ANNnewsCH New 184K views.
Scattered cherry blossom petals decorate the river with “Flower Rafts” Enjoyable on a pleasure boat…Gojo River in Oguchi, Aichi – YouTube
Spring is in full bloom at Kyoto’s famous cherry blossom viewing spots…Foreign tourists rush and crowds line up for more than 400 meters to see cherry blossoms at night at Toji Temple [Shinichi Hatori Morning Show] (April 9, 2024). ANNnewsCH New 184K views.
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