“I can’t stand it anymore” Will Kyoto’s “tourist pollution” be eradicated in the future? The independence of Japanese residents is now being questioned, “
「もう我慢の限界」 京都の“観光公害”は今後撲滅できるのか? いま問 われる日本住民の主体性、“
新型コロナウイルス感染拡大による規制が緩和された2023年以降、訪日観光客は順調な回復を見せている。 日本政府観光局の「訪日外客統計」によ ると、2023…
“I can’t stand it anymore” Will Kyoto’s “tourist pollution” be eradicated in the future? The independence of Japanese residents is now being questioned, “
Since 2023, when restrictions due to the spread of the new coronavirus were eased, the number of tourists visiting Japan has shown a steady recovery. According to the “Statistics of Foreign Visitors to Japan” by the Japanese Government Tourism Bureau, 2023…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.