[“Spring Takayama Festival”] Stalls attract tourists with karakuri dance in a sunny town – YouTube


[“Spring Takayama Festival”] Stalls attract tourists with karakuri dance in a sunny town – YouTube

【「春の高山祭」】晴天の街に屋台 からくり演舞で観光客を魅了 – YouTube
外国人観光客が増える岐阜・白川郷で違法「白タク」横行か 駐車違反も…観 光協会が注意呼び掛け (24/04/15 18:22). メ〜テレニュース New 155 views.

[“Spring Takayama Festival”] Stalls attract tourists with karakuri dance in a sunny town – YouTube
Illegal “white taxis” are common in Shirakawa-go, Gifu, where foreign tourists are increasing. Parking violations are also common…Tourist association urges caution (24/04/15 18:22). Mail-Tele News New 155 views.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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