Hamada Sake Brewery collaborates with “The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Kyoto” to offer Japanese cocktails |


Hamada Sake Brewery collaborates with “The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Kyoto” to offer Japanese cocktails |

濵田酒造、「ザ ロイヤルパークホテル アイコニック 京都」とコラボ し和のカクテル提供 |
【“香りで癒す焼酎カクテル”誕生の経緯】. 日本政府観光局(JNTO)が今年 1月に発表した統計データによると、2023年12月の訪日客数…

Hamada Sake Brewery collaborates with “The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Kyoto” to offer Japanese cocktails |
[How the “shochu cocktail that heals with aroma” was born]. According to statistical data released by the Japanese Government Tourism Bureau (JNTO) in January of this year, the number of visitors to Japan in December 2023… .
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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