Promoting the appeal of the Aizu-Noiwa Railway The Usage Promotion Council will create a guidebook to attract visitors from the Tokyo metropolitan area From next year…


Promoting the appeal of the Aizu-Noiwa Railway The Usage Promotion Council will create a guidebook to attract visitors from the Tokyo metropolitan area From next year…

会津・野岩鉄道の魅力発信 利用促進協議会 首都圏から誘客 ガイドブ ック作成へ 来年度以降は …
。来年度以降は外国語版も検討し、インバウンド(訪日客) … 来年度以降 は、会津方面への来訪が多い台湾の観光客 … 沿線の市町村、観光団体など から約30人…

Promoting the appeal of the Aizu-Noiwa Railway The Usage Promotion Council will create a guidebook to attract visitors from the Tokyo metropolitan area From next year…
. From next year onwards, we will consider foreign language versions, and inbound (visitors to Japan)… From next year onwards, we will consider tourists from Taiwan, who often visit the Aizu area… Approximately 30 people from municipalities along the line, tourism organizations, etc. …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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