Displaying audio subtitles and translations “DNP dialogue support system” Font changes depending on emotion – Impress Watch


Displaying audio subtitles and translations “DNP dialogue support system” Font changes depending on emotion – Impress Watch

音声字幕・翻訳を表示「DNP対話支援システム」 感情によりフォントが 変化 – Impress Watch
外国人観光客等との会話が必要となる観光案内所やホテルなどの観光業 界、公共交通機関の窓口。 ソフトウェア(音声認識アプリ)とハードウェア(iPad、透 明…

Displaying audio subtitles and translations “DNP dialogue support system” Font changes depending on emotion – Impress Watch
… Contact points in the tourism industry such as tourist information centers, hotels, and public transportation where it is necessary to talk with foreign tourists etc. Software (voice recognition app) and hardware (iPad, transparent …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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