Reopening of sightseeing road. Surrounding inns are expecting an increase in the number of users. Also attracting inbound tourists <Fukushima/Takayu Onsen


Reopening of sightseeing road. Surrounding inns are expecting an increase in the number of users. Also attracting inbound tourists

観光道路の再開通 周辺旅館は利用客の増加に期待 インバウンドの取り 込みも<福島・高湯温泉
ゴールデンウィークが目前に迫るなかでの磐梯吾妻スカイラインの再開通、周辺の宿 泊施設は利用客の増加に期待を寄せる。「大浴場滝の湯のみに洗い場がござい…

Reopening of sightseeing road. Surrounding inns are expecting an increase in the number of users. Also attracting inbound tourists

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