“52 Places to Visit” Wave of foreign tourists to Yamaguchi City, including Japanese, total number reaches pre-coronavirus level


“52 Places to Visit” Wave of foreign tourists to Yamaguchi City, including Japanese, total number reaches pre-coronavirus level

「行くべき52カ所」山口市に外国人観光客の波 日本人含む総数、コロ ナ前水準に
欧米からの個人客が目立つようになり、市内の湯田温泉の旅館やホテルの外国人の宿泊者数は前年の倍近い。ただ、日本人と合わせた観光客数は「新型 コロナウイルス…

“52 Places to Visit” Wave of foreign tourists to Yamaguchi City, including Japanese, total number reaches pre-coronavirus level
Individual visitors from Europe and America have become more prominent, and the number of foreigners staying at Yuda Onsen inns and hotels in the city is nearly double that of the previous year. However, the number of tourists, including Japanese tourists, is due to the new coronavirus…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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