One month after the Taiwan earthquake, the number of tourists in Hualien has plummeted and the night market is deserted… “It’s a tragic situation.”


One month after the Taiwan earthquake, the number of tourists in Hualien has plummeted and the night market is deserted… “It’s a tragic situation.”

台湾地震1か月、花蓮の観光客激減・夜市は閑散と…「惨たんたる状況 だ」
… 人以上が訪れた。 同渓谷にある宿泊施設「太魯閣山月村」は地震で周囲の山か らいくつも落石があり、共用のシャワー施設、客室が損壊した。外国人ら8 5人が…

One month after the Taiwan earthquake, the number of tourists in Hualien has plummeted and the night market is deserted… “It’s a tragic situation.”
…More than a few people visited. Taroko Sangetsu Village, a lodging facility located in the same valley, had several rocks falling from the surrounding mountains during the earthquake, damaging the shared shower facilities and guest rooms. 85 Foreigners
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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