“Priority guidance” and “walking recommended” for families with children: How to deal with crowds in the second half of Golden Week? [News Station] (May 2024…


“Priority guidance” and “walking recommended” for families with children: How to deal with crowds in the second half of Golden Week? [News Station] (May 2024…

子育て世帯を“優先案内”“徒歩推奨”GW後半戦 混雑どう向き合う?【報 道ステーション】(2024年5月 …
行列は、観光客だけでなく、駐車場に向かう車でも。 … 観光客も 多く見られました。天気が良ければ、効果が … 【円安で外国人殺到の京都 】「5500円」のハラル…

“Priority guidance” and “walking recommended” for families with children: How to deal with crowds in the second half of Golden Week? [News Station] (May 2024…
There are lines not only for tourists but also for cars heading to the parking lot. … We also saw many tourists. If the weather is nice, it will be effective… [Kyoto is flooded with foreigners due to the weak yen] Halal food for 5,500 yen…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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