“Take the exam at home” Famous universities sell to Chinese prep schools, competing for international students | Mainichi Shimbun


“Take the exam at home” Famous universities sell to Chinese prep schools, competing for international students | Mainichi Shimbun

「うち受験して」有名大が中国人予備校に営業、留学生奪い合い | 毎 日新聞
でも、なぜ中国人なのか。中国から来日し、行知学園を経営する楊舸(よう が)さん(37)は「私費留学生が97%を…

“Take the exam at home” Famous universities sell to Chinese prep schools, competing for international students | Mainichi Shimbun
But why Chinese? Mr. Youga (37), who came to Japan from China and runs Gyochi Gakuen, said, “97% of the students are privately financed international students…”
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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