Tokyo yen, early 130 yen range | News nationwide -Kyoto Shimbun


Tokyo yen, early 130 yen range | News nationwide -Kyoto Shimbun

東京円、130円台前半|全国のニュース – 京都新聞
25日午前の東京外国為替市場の円相場は、1ドル=130円台前半で取引 され … タクシー待ちの大行列、困惑の訪日観光客 大雪から一夜明けた京 都駅の表情.

Tokyo yen, early 130 yen range | News nationwide -Kyoto Shimbun
On the morning of the 25th, the Tokyo foreign exchange market is traded in the lower 1 dollar = in the lower 130 yen range … Large queue waiting for a taxi sightseeing. The expression of Kyoto Station, which is dawn over the night since the customer snowy snow.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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