Before the Paris Olympics, get rid of the image of “unfriendly, arrogant Parisians”! – Courier Japon


Before the Paris Olympics, get rid of the image of “unfriendly, arrogant Parisians”! – Courier Japon

パリ五輪前に「無愛想で高慢ちきなパリジャン」イメージを払拭せ よ! – クーリエ・ジャポン
そこでフランスはいま、外国人観光客がこの夏に訪れる前に、そういった「 無礼なパリジャン」イメージの払拭に努めている。 すでに昨年、パリで開催され た…

Before the Paris Olympics, get rid of the image of “unfriendly, arrogant Parisians”! – Courier Japon
So France is now trying to shake off that “rude Parisian” image before foreign tourists arrive this summer. It was already held in Paris last year …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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