The Japanese boom may be temporary. This is a management strategy that doesn’t rely too much on inbound customers! – Magmag!


The Japanese boom may be temporary. This is a management strategy that doesn’t rely too much on inbound customers! – Magmag!

一過性かもしれない日本ブーム。インバウンド客に頼り過ぎない経営戦 略はコレだ! – まぐまぐ!
観光地や繁華街に出れば、必ずといって良いほど見かける外国人旅行 客。コロナ禍を乗り越えて、インバウンドの波が日本にもやってきています。

The Japanese boom may be temporary. This is a management strategy that doesn’t rely too much on inbound customers! – Magmag!
Foreign tourists are almost always seen when you go to tourist areas or downtown areas. After overcoming the coronavirus pandemic, a wave of inbound tourism is coming to Japan.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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