During the Prime Minister’s Oversai “Sightseeing by Public Car” and “Weekly Shincho” to the Press Inspection –Nippon.com


During the Prime Minister’s Oversai “Sightseeing by Public Car” and “Weekly Shincho” to the Press Inspection –Nippon.com

首相長男外遊中「公用車で観光」 「週刊新潮」報道受け点検へ – nippon.com
首相官邸に入る岸田首相(手前)と長男翔太郎氏=22年10月. 岸田文雄首相の長男の 翔太郎秘書官が、欧米歴訪に同行した際、滞在先で公用車を利用して観光し…

During the Prime Minister’s Oversai “Sightseeing by Public Car” and “Weekly Shincho” to the Press Inspection –Nippon.com
Prime Minister Kishida (in front of you) and the eldest son Shotaro = October 2010. In October 2012. The secretary of Shotaro, the eldest son of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, accompanies the European and American visit to the United States and Europe sightseeing using a public car at a place to stay. & nbsp; …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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