Do you rely on inbound tourists to utilize vacant houses? There are 9 million homes nationwide, and the system to promote residence in two locations is not a solution.


Do you rely on inbound tourists to utilize vacant houses? There are 9 million homes nationwide, and the system to promote residence in two locations is not a solution.

空き家活用もインバウンド頼み? 全国に900万戸、2拠点居住の促進制 度も解決策にならず
総務省が先月公表した「住宅・土地統計調査」の住宅数概数集計(速報集計)による と、2023年10月時点で国内の空き家数は900万戸と調査開始以来最多となった…

Do you rely on inbound tourists to utilize vacant houses? There are 9 million homes nationwide, and the system to promote residence in two locations is not a solution.
According to the approximate number of houses (preliminary count) in the Housing and Land Statistics Survey released by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications last month, as of October 2023, the number of vacant houses in Japan was 9 million, the highest since the survey began. ..
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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