“Why people flock to the bakery on the mountain” is a guide to creating value that makes people want to go out of their way to visit.


“Why people flock to the bakery on the mountain” is a guide to creating value that makes people want to go out of their way to visit.

「わざわざ」訪れたくなる価値づくりの道しるべに『山の上のパン屋に 人が集まるわけ』
2024.05.22. 印刷用ページを表示する · 書籍から学ぶ観光・インバ ウンド. 『山の上のパン屋に人が集まるわけ』. 著者:平田 はる香. 出版社:ライ ツ社.

“Why people flock to the bakery on the mountain” is a guide to creating value that makes people want to go out of their way to visit.
2024.05.22. Display printable page · Learn from books about tourism and inbound tourism. “Why people gather at the bakery on the mountain.” Author: Haruka Hirata. Publisher: Rights Publishing.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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