Inbound × Sumo explained by Saya Ichikawa “I often hear about “Tonkatsu restaurants” where you can watch a sumo show in the ring…


Inbound × Sumo explained by Saya Ichikawa “I often hear about “Tonkatsu restaurants” where you can watch a sumo show in the ring…

市川紗椰が解説するインバウンド×相撲「土俵で相撲ショーが見られ る”とんかつ屋さん”をよく耳 …
相撲部屋の見学ツアーも人気で、私が見た英語の旅行サイトでは「WW」に続いて2位 の人気でした。 同じくインバウンド×相撲で欠かせない存在は、「横綱とんかつ…

Inbound × Sumo explained by Saya Ichikawa “I often hear about “Tonkatsu restaurants” where you can watch a sumo show in the ring…
The tour of the sumo stable is also popular, and it was ranked second in popularity after “WW” on an English travel site I looked at. Similarly, an indispensable presence in inbound x sumo is “Yokozuna Tonkatsu”…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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