The nuisance of violently swinging the “bell string” at Yasaka Shrine The shrine says, “Please refrain from ringing the bell at night… – YouTube


The nuisance of violently swinging the “bell string” at Yasaka Shrine The shrine says, “Please refrain from ringing the bell at night… – YouTube

八坂神社で『鈴の緒』を激しく振り回す迷惑行為 神社側は“夜間に鈴を 鳴らせないよう … – YouTube #MBSニュース #毎日放送 #京都 #八坂神社 #外国人観光客#観光公害 #鈴 #参拝者 #迷 惑行為 #神社仏閣.

The nuisance of violently swinging the “bell string” at Yasaka Shrine The shrine says, “Please refrain from ringing the bell at night… – YouTube #MBS News #Mainichi Broadcasting #Kyoto #Yasaka Shrine #ForeignTouristCustomer # TourismPollution #bells #visitors #nuisance #shrines and temples.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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