[Giants] New foreigner Hernandez receives 2 RBIs in his first hard hitting award in Japan, “Always aim for pitches that can be hit” batting average .375 | Baseball


[Giants] New foreigner Hernandez receives 2 RBIs in his first hard hitting award in Japan, “Always aim for pitches that can be hit” batting average .375 | Baseball

【巨人】新外国人ヘルナンデス、来日初の猛打賞で2打点「常に打てる 球を狙って」打率.375 | 野球
日本生命セ・パ交流戦:巨人7-1西武>◇2日◇ベルーナドーム巨人の新外国人エリ エ・ヘルナンデス外野手(29)が来日初の猛打賞で2打点をマークした。5回 に…

[Giants] New foreigner Hernandez receives 2 RBIs in his first hard hitting award in Japan, “Always aim for pitches that can be hit” batting average .375 | Baseball
Nippon Life Insurance Co.-Pacific Interleague Game: Giants 7-1 Seibu > ◇2nd◇Beruna Dome Giants’ new foreign outfielder Elie Hernandez (29) comes to Japan wins 2nd in his first hard hitting award He marked an RBI. In the 5th inning…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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