Manager in 2024: Bringing initiatives from Nagoya and Sakae to the whole country – Keiichi Ono, President of J. Front Retailing


Manager in 2024: Bringing initiatives from Nagoya and Sakae to the whole country – Keiichi Ono, President of J. Front Retailing

2024年の経営者:名古屋・栄での取り組みを全国へ――小野圭一・J.フロ ントリテイリング社長
インバウンド(訪日外国人)、富裕層という2大 … かつて欧米からの訪日 客は観光 … 一方、中国からの団体観光客はコロナ禍前の水準に戻っていま せんが、富裕層を…

Manager in 2024: Bringing initiatives from Nagoya and Sakae to the whole country – Keiichi Ono, President of J. Front Retailing
The two main groups are inbound tourists (foreigners visiting Japan) and wealthy people…In the past, tourists from Europe and the US were tourists…On the other hand, groups of tourists from China were affected by the coronavirus. Although it has not returned to its pre-disaster levels, the wealthy…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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