Purpose of communicating: Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web


Purpose of communicating: Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web

<FUJI’S>伝える目的:東京新聞 TOKYO Web
外国人観光客に人気の富士「夢の大橋」 違法駐車やポイ捨て マナー違反続 出で住民困惑. 5月30日. . おすすめ情報. ニュースランキング. もっと見る. 3日 間. 1…

Purpose of communicating: Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web
Fuji’s “Dream Bridge”, popular with foreign tourists, residents are confused by illegal parking, littering, and frequent manner violations. May 30th. . Recommended information. News ranking. See more. 3 days. 1 …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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