Yukinaga Maeda: “He’s been able to adjust” Giants’ Hernandez has hit in 7 consecutive games since his first appearance in Japan


Yukinaga Maeda: “He’s been able to adjust” Giants’ Hernandez has hit in 7 consecutive games since his first appearance in Japan

前田幸長氏「アジャストできている」巨人・ヘルナンデスが来日初出場 から7試合連続安打
今季途中加入したヘルナンデスは、5月28日に一軍登録されると、初出場となった同 日のソフトバンク戦で初打席初安打。30日のソフトバンク戦で来日初本塁 打、31日…

Yukinaga Maeda: “He’s been able to adjust” Giants’ Hernandez has hit in 7 consecutive games since his first appearance in Japan
Hernandez, who joined the team midway through this season, was registered with the first team on May 28th and got his first hit in his first at-bat against Softbank on the same day. First home run in Japan against Softbank on the 30th,   on the 31st…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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