June 4th vs. Orix DeNA Wick “Irixan is my Japanese father” Thank you for your first win in Japan…


June 4th vs. Orix DeNA Wick “Irixan is my Japanese father” Thank you for your first win in Japan…

6月4日・オリックス戦 DeNAウィック「イリキサンは私の日本の お父さん」来日初勝利で感謝 …
横浜DeNA3-1オリックス(横浜スタジアム)横浜DeNAは4日のオリックス 戦(横浜)に3―1で競り勝った。1―1の七回に2番手で登板したローワン・…

June 4th vs. Orix DeNA Wick “Irixan is my Japanese father” Thank you for your first win in Japan…
Yokohama DeNA 3-1 Orix (Yokohama Stadium) Yokohama DeNA won the match against Orix (Yokohama) 3-1 on the 4th. Rowan, who pitched second in the seventh inning with the score 1-1…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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