“96 Sen” high-quality ice cream priced at 5,400 yen for 5 pieces Made with high-quality raw milk from Senbonmatsu Farm Commercialized for department stores


“96 Sen” high-quality ice cream priced at 5,400 yen for 5 pieces Made with high-quality raw milk from Senbonmatsu Farm Commercialized for department stores

5個5400円の高級アイス「96撰」 千本松牧場の良質な生乳使用 百貨店 向けに商品化
ベトナム人インフルエンサーが那須塩原をPR 外国人観光客呼び込みへ 足湯 やスキー場などで… 「茜屋すしぎん」運営の…

“96 Sen” high-quality ice cream priced at 5,400 yen for 5 pieces Made with high-quality raw milk from Senbonmatsu Farm Commercialized for department stores
Vietnamese influencers promote Nasu-Shiobara to attract foreign tourists with footbaths, ski resorts, etc… operated by Akaneya Sushigin.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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