Various regions in China introduce convenience measures for card payments, making consumption even more convenient for foreigners


Various regions in China introduce convenience measures for card payments, making consumption even more convenient for foreigners

中国各地がカード決済で利便性措置を導入 外国人の消費が一層便利に
北京、上海など中国30の省と市はこのほど、中国を訪れた外国人観光客の支 払いニーズを満たし、利便性を与える具体的な措置を講じました。各地が採用し た…

Various regions in China introduce convenience measures for card payments, making consumption even more convenient for foreigners
Thirty provinces and cities in China, including Beijing and Shanghai, have recently taken concrete measures to meet the payment needs and provide convenience for foreign tourists visiting China. Adopted by various countries …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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