“Oshikatsu” Tower in front of Shibuya Station “〇〇〇” Kura Sushi opens in Ginza – Nikkei Cross Trend
渋谷駅前に「推し活」タワー 銀座には“〇〇〇”くら寿司が開店 – 日経 クロストレンド
スクランブル交差点という地の利. 外国人観光客の来訪も視野に入れる。イ ンバウンド(訪日外国人)の中でも渋谷を訪れる人の割合はここ数…
“Oshikatsu” Tower in front of Shibuya Station “〇〇〇” Kura Sushi opens in Ginza – Nikkei Cross Trend
The scramble intersection is an advantageous location.We are also considering the possibility of attracting foreign tourists. Among inbound tourists (foreign visitors to Japan), the percentage of people who visit Shibuya is within the range…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.