Inbound strategy for small companies Mr. Yamato Gokoro Murayama on Kanko Keizai Shimbun Channel explains “The right way to attack…
小さな会社のインバウンド戦略 観光経済新聞チャンネルで やまとごこ ろ村山氏が「正しい攻め方 …
現状、多少でもインバウンドが来ていれば宿泊客にヒアリングして現状把握をする、 全く来ていないのであれば、海外の人にリーチしやすいOTAを活用するなど…
Inbound strategy for small companies Mr. Yamato Gokoro Murayama on Kanko Keizai Shimbun Channel explains “The right way to attack…
Currently, if there are even a few inbound visitors, we will interview guests to understand the current situation, and if there are no inbound visitors at all, we will use OTA, which is easier to reach overseas people.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.