A new sightseeing experience that expands your circle of friends both virtually and in real life – From Tokyo Updates
バーチャルとリアルで友だちの輪が広がる、新たな観光体験 – From Tokyo Updates
東京観光の新たなプロモーションとして、メタバース(インターネット上に 構築されたバーチャル空間)やAR(拡張現実)の技術を活用した交流…
A new sightseeing experience that expands your circle of friends both virtually and in real life – From Tokyo Updates
As a new promotion for Tokyo sightseeing, exchanges utilizing Metaverse (virtual space built on the Internet) and AR (Augmented Reality) technology…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.