Carp pitcher Daichi Osera achieves no-hitter | NHK Hiroshima Prefecture News


Carp pitcher Daichi Osera achieves no-hitter | NHK Hiroshima Prefecture News

カープ大瀬良大地投手がノーヒットノーラン達成|NHK 広島県のニュー ス
… 【NHK】プロ野球、カープの大瀬良大地投手が、7日 … オッペンハイマーの孫 が来日 被爆者と面会し被爆体験聞く 6月4日 19時00分.

Carp pitcher Daichi Osera achieves no-hitter | NHK Hiroshima Prefecture News
… [NHK] Carp’s professional baseball pitcher Daichi Osera on the 7th… Oppenheimer’s grandson comes to Japan to meet with A-bomb survivors and hear about their experiences June 4th, 7pm 00 minutes.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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