Origin 5 old proposal related to “Kyoto Prefecture Connection / Learning / Working Support Center Management Project” …


Origin 5 -year -old proposal related to “Kyoto Prefecture Connection / Learning / Working Support Center Management Project” …

令和5年度「京都府つながる・学ぶ・働く支援センター運営事業」に係 る公募型プロポーザルの実施 …
契約締結日から令和6年3月31日までなお、令和5年度京都府当初予算が京 都府議会において議決されない場合は、委託契約を締結 … 商工労働観光部人材育成課.

Origin 5 -year -old proposal related to “Kyoto Prefecture Connection / Learning / Working Support Center Management Project” …
From the date of conclusion of the contract to March 31, 1966, if the initial budget of the prefecture Kyoto is not voted in the Kyoto prefectural assembly, a consignment agreement. Contribution … Commerce and Industry Labor Tourism Department Human Resources Development Division.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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