Former Osaka player Angelo Caloiaro transfers to Kyoto…17.2 points and makes his presence felt in his first year in Japan


Former Osaka player Angelo Caloiaro transfers to Kyoto…17.2 points and makes his presence felt in his first year in Japan

前大阪のアンジェロ・カロイアロが京都へ移籍…来日1年目から17.2得点 と存在感アピール
6月13日、Bリーグは自由交渉選手リストを更新し、大阪エヴェッサから同リストに公 示されていたアンジェロ・カロイアロを抹消。2024-25シーズンから京都…

Former Osaka player Angelo Caloiaro transfers to Kyoto…17.2 points and makes his presence felt in his first year in Japan
On June 13, the B League updated the list of free negotiation players and removed Angelo Caloialo from Osaka Evessa, who had been announced on the list. Kyoto from 2024-25 season…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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