With Potsun in the mountains … Eliminating the labor shortage of unmanned hotels sightseeing spots on Kumano Kodo? -TV Osaka


With Potsun in the mountains … Eliminating the labor shortage of unmanned hotels sightseeing spots on Kumano Kodo? -TV Osaka

山の中にポツンと…熊野古道に無人ホテル 観光地の人手不足を解消? – テレビ大阪
コロナ禍前には多くの観光客が訪れる人気のルートです。その途中にあるホ テルが舞台です。 … ゲノム編集フグは「NO」 京都・宮津市のふるさと納 税返礼品.

With Potsun in the mountains … Eliminating the labor shortage of unmanned hotels sightseeing spots on Kumano Kodo? -TV Osaka
It is a popular route visited by many sightseeing customers before Corona. The stage is on the way on the way. … Genome editing puffer fish is “NO” Kyoto, Miyazu City’s hometown tax return goods.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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