Shimashiro Antenna Shop Asuka at Akishima City: Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web


Shimashiro Antenna Shop Asuka at Akishima City: Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web

島しょアンテナショップ あすから昭島市で:東京新聞 TOKYO Web
島しょ地域の六商工会と都商工会連合会の主催。八丈島、三宅島など各島で造られた 焼酎をはじめ、イカの塩辛、くさや、つばき油などの名産品を販売する。観光案内…

Shimashiro Antenna Shop Asuka at Akishima City: Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web
Sponsored by the Islands area Rokugaku and Kogyo and the Tokyo Metropolitan Commerce and Industry Federation. It sells specialty products such as shochu made on each island, such as Hachijojima and Miyakejima, as well as salted squid, crispy, and tsubaki oil. Sightseeing guidance & nbsp; …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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