How many sightseeing spots in Kyoto can you visit on foot? After walking for about 8 hours and testing, the results were…


How many sightseeing spots in Kyoto can you visit on foot? After walking for about 8 hours and testing, the results were…

京都の観光スポットって徒歩で何か所周れるの? 約8時間歩き続けて検 証してみた結果…どえらい …
神社仏閣をはじめ、数えきれないほどの観光スポットが集まっている京都市。筆者は以前この場所に住んでいた時、散歩がてらにいろいろな場所に立ち寄 っていた…

How many sightseeing spots in Kyoto can you visit on foot? After walking for about 8 hours and testing, the results were…
Kyoto city is home to countless tourist spots, including shrines and temples. When I used to live in this area, I used to stop by various places while walking. 
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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