Japan-India Summit Meeting | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan


Japan-India Summit Meeting | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

日印首脳会談|外務省 – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
両首脳は、本年中に予定されているモディ首相の来日をも見据えて両国で協 力を深化させていくことで一致しました。 関連リンク. 岸田総理大臣のG7プーリ ア…

Japan-India Summit Meeting | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
The two leaders agreed to deepen cooperation between the two countries in anticipation of Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Japan scheduled for this year. Related links. Prime Minister Kishida’s G7 Puglia …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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