A series of midsummer days in about 300 locations nationwide Tokyo is on a hot and humid day after the rain [Super J Channel… – YouTube


A series of midsummer days in about 300 locations nationwide Tokyo is on a hot and humid day after the rain [Super J Channel… – YouTube

真夏日続出 全国約300地点 東京は雨上がりで蒸し暑い1日に【スーパー Jチャンネル … – YouTube
… 東京・渋谷。日はだいぶ傾いてきましたが、まだまだ猛烈な日差しが降り注いで います。この暑さは東京 … 真夏日の東京 観光客に強烈日光 蒸し暑さの中 で大行列.

A series of midsummer days in about 300 locations nationwide Tokyo is on a hot and humid day after the rain [Super J Channel… – YouTube
… Shibuya, Tokyo. The sun has set a lot, but the sun is still shining fiercely. This heat is Tokyo… On a midsummer day, Tokyo sightseeing customers are exposed to intense sunlight, and there are long lines in the humid heat.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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